Growing Your Community: Changing The Mindset Around Networking & Building Meaningful Relationships

Networking is one of the most disliked business activities, yet the most important. Building your network can seem like a transactional business. There are many questions around how to begin networking, what to say in a cold email, how to ask for what you want, approaching professionals you don't even know, etc. While the process of networking can seem more like a business transaction, a simple mind shift can jumpstart your progress.

Flipping the perspective, even the language you use, to relationship building will expand understanding, reap deeper more purposeful connections and stronger collaboration. At its core, networking is really about building relationships. You are more likely to achieve your intended goal and create more meaningful connections if you approach networking as way of forming truly meaningful relationships.

Networking is a skill like anything else, it requires practice. Give yourself time to get used to speaking about yourself and your experiences, practice approaching new people, challenge yourself to reach outside your comfort zone. Remove the word "networking" from your vocabulary and simply approach it as relationship building. That mindset switch will make all the difference

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