Cultivating Meaningful Work: Finding Purpose In Work & Boosting Employee Satisfaction

Purpose leads to better. Cultivation is the process.

This month we’ll be cultivating a series on how to.

Purpose connects us to what matters--to ourselves, our teams, and our organizations. In our challenging work environments, cultivating a consistent purpose practice is the foundation to getting control, accelerating growth (and revenue) and make an impact on the world.

This series taps into some of the areas where we get stuck and explores the constructive action we and our clients have discovered and honed so you can accelerate being better at work and life.

Finding purpose in our work not only makes our work feel more meaningful, but it also brings us more satisfaction. It starts with you, and then from there it branches out into our teams, our organization, and even our communities, affecting big and long lasting change.

Join us each week as we bring stories, interviews, workshops, tool-guides, and pathways to making our work, our organizations, and our lives better.