Growth & Engagement

70% of us workers are not engaged.

75% of leaders do not have an engagement strategy

Firms with motivated employees post up to 4.5X more revenue growth and yield 2X higher annual net profits, than those with a disengaged workforce

Nearly a quarter of all work hours are wasted due to employee disengagement.

42% of our waking day is lost to distractions.

This translates to 30 hours a week lost per employer

67 days of lost productivity per worker and over

$1t in damages to the US economy every year.

2/3rds of today's employees feel "overwhelmed"

65% of businesses rate this as an important or urgent challenge, yet fewer than 10% of organizations know what to do about it

This problem impacts workers and organizations: global employee turnover rates will increase to over 23% this year, with median costs to replace the average worker 150-200% of annual salary.

Only 40% of the workforce knows their company’s strategy, tactics, and goals

75% employees report wasting time to keep up with the constant dings, pings, chats and more

The average American office worker is interrupted or switches tasks every 3 minutes

it takes, on average, 23 minutes to get back on track after a minute interruption.

Neurologist Larry Rosen states that the average office worker can only focus for 7 minutes at a time before they either switch windows or check Facebook.

According to studies by adobe campaign, the average worker spends 6 hours a day on checking email alone.

99%of C-suite executives rank workforce alignment and engagement as a critical business goal

One way to boost our willpower and focus is to manage our distractions instead of letting them manage us (Daniel Goldman)