Cultivating Compassion & Connection: Open Communication and Alignment at Work

Purpose connects us to what matters--to ourselves, our teams, and our organizations. In our challenging work environments, cultivating a consistent purpose practice is the foundation to getting control, accelerating growth (and revenue) and make an impact on the world.

This series taps into some of the areas where we get stuck and explores the constructive action we and our clients have discovered and honed so you can accelerate being better at work and life.

Compassion is what makes for more humane workplaces. It’s connection, communication and a genuine willingness to alleviate the stress of others. In our sincere nature to protect our teams, there’s a tendency to go the extreme, translated to helicoptering -- hovering, taking on more work, not delegating, instilling feelings of distrust.

Let’s reorient our practice of compassionate leadership. Empathy is a shared experience. At work it’s bringing your team together to co-solve issues, in a space of open dialogue, clarity, understanding -- shared alignment is the pathway to higher performance and well-being.

Join us each week as we bring stories, interviews, workshops, tool-guides, and pathways to making our work, our organizations, and our lives better.