People & Purpose
Purpose-driven Companies Provided Returns Of 1,646% between 1996 and 2011. This is staggering growth when compared to 157% for the S&P 500 and 178% for the firms featured in Jim Collins’, Good to Great.
Companies united by purpose have a 4x higher revenue growth.
Southwest Airlines rallies its 53,000+ employees around a common purpose resulting in 44 years of consecutive profitability.
71% of millennials would likely choose a job with a company with a commitment to the community if all other factors were the same.
84% believe their transformation efforts will be more successful if integrated with purpose.
Purposeful work isn’t just good for the planet it’s good business “saving the planet from ecological disaster is a $12T opportunity” hbr
Companies united by purpose see 400% higher annual revenue growth than the entire S&P 500 Consumer sector
Apple, the ultimate purpose-driven phenomenon, replaced at&t in 2015 after 120 years on the dow jones – with $42.4b in quarterly income.
87% believe companies perform best over time if their purpose goes beyond profit because corporate purpose goes beyond financial results
6 out of 10 people will pay more for reputable brands.
89% say they encourage greater employee satisfaction,
85% better customer advocacy
81% higher quality products and services.
Only 37% say their business model and operations are well aligned with their purpose.